
Sunday, February 26

Taobao Store | Recommendation & Tips PART 2

"Where to find cheap clothes on taobao?" "Where do blogshops buy their clothes from on taobao?" "Where to find korean style clothes on taobao?" "Taobao tips and recommended stores"

SG has caught on the taobao wave, and agents such as 65daigou etc has expanded their presence in SG because we girls (even guys!) just love to shop. From bloggers, to blogshop to house renovation, you can basically buy everything for a fraction of the price from the comfort of your home. 


Anyway, i realised that my previous post on Taobao garnered quite a few eyeballs (maybe sub-consciously i'm a natural at SEO?) but i thought the content did not do justice to the clicks at all. So i'm going to do up another post here with more content should anyone need more tips!

Qn. What stores do you shop at?

Generally i dont have a specific store which i purchase clothes from, but there are a few which i sub-consciously would keep going back to check out if there are any new instocks up.

I think 小宅女大购物 is one of those classic Taobao stores with skinny models, and very "Korean-style" clothes. Price-wise they are definitely on the lower end, & i have bought a few items from them before. Not too bad for casual and everyday wear, but the sizing might run a little (especially if you are like me - neither too fat nor too skinny). 

Good for students and fresh grads who need new clothes to run their everyday errands.

Cha cha is one of my favourite store even though they are on the pricier side (but really, for the quality of their clothes, the price is cheap compared to SG blogshops). I love their style - very unique and a mix between street & Korean (?). Their clothes coincidentally clashes with my own style, which is something along the line of "loose & comfortable" type of clothes LOL. 

I actually bought this cardigan from them (for Taiwan, but it didnt make it in time) and i super love it - so comfy and the colour is flattering af. 

This cost me around $22 with Ezbuy, and i think its OOS already. Very worth it cause its pretty thick, so i wear it around office since its almost north pole there. 

Great for office & middle-age ladies since the style is more "mature"..? & also because the prices are on the higher end. 

A bit similar to the first store, pretty classic taobao store. But for this one, i think they are more geared towards western fashion (think Zara!) which is in the same category as Haoduoyi Shop in my earlier post. Price-wise i think its ok-ok, so good for students & fresh grads too! I think if you don't mind wearing poorer quality clothes (as compared to the actual Zara/Mango pieces), its not bad for OLs too. 


EGGKA is a store recommended to me by a friend who bought from them & thought the quality is good. They have very clean & classic pieces which are great for work-transit-dates outfits, so i'm always tempted to buy from them (but a bit worried on the size la). Price-wise also on the higher end, that's why i didn't want to take the risk hahahah. 

Similar to Cha Cha, i think its suitable for 23 years old and above who are cleaning out their wardrobe to have more classic and quality pieces. 

HAHA don't know why people go taobao, i go taobao but i always spend more on clothes than them!! I think it's really the type of clothes i buy now that i am working and need more presentable outfit for meetings & presentations. In any case, similarly, their style is chic & a little Korean-ish, so not bad for dates OOTDs and if you work in a more relaxed environment like advertising/fashion. 

I still have a few stores which i bookmark (use this function - very useful!) but i'll keep it to these 5 and update another time when i'm free. 

Qn. What are some of the great buys from Taobao? 

Got into the dangling ear-ring craze a while back & started buying a lot of earrings which really level up my outfit when i'm trying to look more get-together

^ Fave pair so far!! Love how it goes well with 90% of my outfits all the time & i wore it during CNY day 1 to go along with my love bonito top hahaa. LINK here

↓ You know how recently bloggers / blogshop models have been wearing this tassel-like earring which is huge and dangles down? So basically i bought one too from the same store, and it turns out really good too! LINK here

↓ Going to introduce 3 items at one go LOL, because that's what i wore for 2nd day of CNY hahahahahha
Long version of ear-ring (LINK)


Inner tee for layering (LINK)


Outer oversized dress to complete the look! (LINK)

To be honest, i think a lot of people has been dressing up via this style that i actually went CNY visiting & a friend's girlfriend wore the exact same thing as me (just that hers is white inner shirt). So now i'm trying to avoid this look for a while lol.

But it's really comfortable lah! The quality of the inner & outer wear is really not bad, though the dress straps are quite thin so please be careful when u wear it out (no violent activities pls *cough)

Pretty easy to layer and play around too, so i think its pretty worth for the price! 

↓ One of my favourite buy recently - lace top! I've been wanting to try this style for a while but i didn't know how to style it to fit my personal preference (LINK)

Cant tell at all from below, so maybe i'll take a picture again when i wear this set out LOL. But basically i wore skinny jeans (cotton on - high rise jeggings, super super love that i bought 3) & a short sleeve bohemian-style outerwear from Stradivarius. 

Surprisingly the coordination turned out to be not bad, so i've been wearing it on days i have wardrobe malfunction. 

Qn: What are some tips to save money, navigate around the app?

I rely a lot on my mobile, so i like to find clothes via my phone rather than desktop (unless i am running out of time for a major sales e.g. no agent fee/shipping off 50% that sorta thing with Ezbuy)

1. Make use of the bookmark function

There are so so so many stores on Taobao, and sometimes you just have no friggin idea which is which, or when your friend recommended you a good store, you lose the link 3 days later. One way which i keep track would be to bookmark all these stores, and categorise them according to "Clothes" "Shoes" "Bags" "Home" etc. 

How? Simply hover over the name/link of the store (with the owner's store details - usually at the top of the landing page) and click 收藏

2. There is a function called 相似宝贝

Simply put, it let's you find other products in Taobao which are similar to the one you put in your shopping cart. I usually use this function to find clothes which shares the same style to expand the shopping cart journey LOL 

How? Just go to your shopping cart and hover your mouse over the space below 删除 at the most left of each product listing 

3. Use the function 找同款

How this is different from #2 is that the former search for similar products, but this function search for the exact same product within Taobao. This is exceptionally useful if you want to compare prices or to gauge the average price you should pay for the said product. But ultimately of course, you have to weigh in the reviews, credibility & shipping fees for the net total lah. 

How? For now, i am not too sure where this function exists on desktop, but showing you the mobile version 

When you are searching for the product you want, press and hold over the listing and these 3 buttons will appear

Click 找同款 & deng deng! You get to see all the other stores selling the exact same thing! Some stores offer free shipping, whilst other doesn't so this is very useful if you wanna be budget like me :D

4. Use 微淘 

Its akin to newsfeed for all the stores you have bookmarked (correct me if i am wrong) so be it new collection / any news, you can view it at the tip of your fingers. Very convenient and a good way for 5-mins glance through

How? It is located at the bottom of your homepage (highlighted icon shown below)

Okay, i think that's it for now LOL. Hopefully this can help more peeps to navigate around Taobao more, and also because i spent around 2hours on this post hahahaha.

Going to sleep soon, tomorrow still got work #Mondayblues.

Goodnight x.

1 comment:

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